Welcome to Nova Insights!
Nova Insights is a full-service market research and evidence-based consulting firm providing qualitative and quantitative research services to organizations across Canada and the United States.
We go beyond just reporting the data - we dig deep into the findings using our experience and advanced interpretive and analytic skills to tell the story behind the data.
Being able to uncover the story starts with thorough, well-crafted, and creative approaches to interview design. We have decades of experience in this that grows with every project.
Once we have a quality instrument, our robust data collection and in-depth analyses provide us with the information we need to formulate the story.
We are skilled at presenting the story in a graphically pleasing way. We use just enough to enhance and illustrate, but not overpower the message.
From customer or employee engagement surveys to membership or general market surveys, Nova Insights helps organizations understand their audience by providing reliable evidence through sophisticated analytic techniques with interpretation that can be understood and acted upon.
Nova Insights provides full-service research to a broad range of clients, but also serves as the "researcher's researcher" by supporting others in the field with their projects. This may be robust data collection, report writing, or consultation on design.
Annapolis Valley Chamber of Commerce (PD Committee and former President)
We help put the pieces of the puzzle together to tell an illuminating story that helps you make important business decisions.
Why choose Nova Insights?
Experience—20 years in the industry with various types of clients in various industries.
Insight—The dedication to understanding the client's informational and strategic needs so design and analysis can be relevant and actionable.
Discipline of clarity—All our documents, and especially our reports, focus on communicating clearly. We do not lose track of the story being told by respondents or the objectives of the research.
Method expertise—Advising on the appropriate method that balances both the objectives and the budget.
Technical expertise—Long experience using powerful tools to process and analyze small and large datasets.
Availability—Response is quick without a 9-5 mentality.
Efficiency—The above benefits culminate into the ability to address inquires and turn projects around quickly.
Cost effectiveness—Low overhead means savings in cost without sacrifice in quality.
What we offer
Our expertise in study and instrument design allow us to offer clients a better understanding of:
Consumer behavior - What choices are they making, what are the decision factors, and what are the underlying motivations for why they do what they do (or why they don't)?
Factors with the greatest impact on purchase decisions
Customer satisfaction
Customer profiling / Prospect profiling
Evaluation of competitors in the marketplace
Impact of advertising campaigns
Public opinion of public policy proposals, issues, or messaging
Citizen engagement on services, direction, quality of life, quality of place, etc.
Membership profiling and evaluations (associations)
Employee engagement
Contact us
Email: pdesbarres at novainsights dot ca
Tel: (902) 482-9688